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Cliff Martinez - Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip !!HOT!!

Cliff Martinez - Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip: A Masterpiece of Film Music

If you are a fan of film music, you have probably heard of Cliff Martinez. He is one of the most acclaimed composers in Hollywood, known for his atmospheric and minimalist scores for films like Drive, Contagion, and Solaris. But one of his best works is the soundtrack for Only God Forgives, a 2013 neo-noir thriller directed by Nicolas Winding Refn.

Cliff Martinez - Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip

In this article, we will explore why Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip is a masterpiece of film music, and how you can download it in zip format for free.

What is Only God Forgives?

Only God Forgives is a film that follows Julian (Ryan Gosling), a drug dealer who runs a boxing club in Bangkok as a front for his family's criminal empire. When his brother is killed by a local police officer named Chang (Vithaya Pansringarm), Julian's mother (Kristin Scott Thomas) arrives in Thailand and demands revenge. Julian soon finds himself in a violent and surreal confrontation with Chang, who is revered as a god-like figure by his subordinates.

The film is a stylistic and polarizing piece of cinema, with stunning visuals, brutal violence, and minimal dialogue. It received mixed reviews from critics and audiences, but it also gained a cult following among fans of Refn's work.

Why is Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip so good?

Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip is one of the main reasons why the film is so captivating and memorable. The music perfectly complements the mood and tone of the film, creating a hypnotic and haunting atmosphere that draws you into the world of the characters.

The soundtrack consists of 19 tracks, with a total length of 46 minutes. It features a mix of electronic and orchestral elements, with influences from Thai music and culture. Some of the highlights include:

  • "Only God Forgives" - The main theme of the film, which plays during the opening credits and several key scenes. It is a slow and ominous piece that sets the stage for the dark and violent story.

  • "Wanna Fight" - The most intense and action-packed track, which accompanies the final showdown between Julian and Chang. It is a fast and furious piece that builds up to a climactic crescendo.

  • "Bride of Chang" - The most beautiful and emotional track, which plays during a dream sequence where Chang sings a traditional Thai song to his wife. It is a tender and melancholic piece that contrasts with the rest of the score.

  • "You're My Dream" - The most catchy and popular track, which features vocals by Thai pop star Proud. It is a synth-pop song that plays during a karaoke scene where Chang performs for his colleagues. It is a catchy and upbeat piece that adds some humor and levity to the film.

How to download Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip for free?

If you are interested in listening to Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip, you might be wondering how to download it for free. Well, you are in luck, because we have a simple and easy way for you to get it.

All you need to do is follow these steps:

  • Click on this link:

  • Enter your email address and click on the "Download Now" button.

  • Check your inbox and confirm your subscription to our newsletter.

  • You will receive an email with a link to download Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip.

  • Enjoy the music!

That's it! You have successfully downloaded Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip for free. You can now listen to it on your computer, smartphone, or any other device that supports zip files.

What are the benefits of listening to Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip?

Listening to Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip is not only enjoyable, but also beneficial for your mind and body. Here are some of the benefits that you can get from listening to this soundtrack:

  • It can boost your mood and energy. The music is full of adrenaline and excitement, which can make you feel more alive and motivated.

  • It can reduce your stress and anxiety. The music is soothing and relaxing, which can help you calm down and cope with your emotions.

  • It can enhance your creativity and imagination. The music is rich and diverse, which can inspire you to think outside the box and come up with new ideas.

  • It can improve your concentration and focus. The music is minimal and repetitive, which can help you block out distractions and stay on task.

What are some other works by Cliff Martinez that you should check out?

If you like Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip, you might also like some of his other works. He has composed music for many films and TV shows, such as:

  • Drive (2011) - A neo-noir crime thriller starring Ryan Gosling as a stunt driver who moonlights as a getaway driver. The soundtrack features a mix of synth-pop and ambient music that creates a retro and cool vibe.

  • The Knick (2014-2015) - A historical drama series starring Clive Owen as a surgeon in a New York hospital in the early 20th century. The soundtrack features a mix of electronic and classical music that creates a contrast between the old and the new.

  • The Neon Demon (2016) - A horror film starring Elle Fanning as an aspiring model who moves to Los Angeles and becomes involved in a sinister world of beauty and envy. The soundtrack features a mix of techno and dark ambient music that creates a tense and eerie atmosphere.

How to unzip Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip?

After you download Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip, you might wonder how to unzip it and access the music files. Don't worry, it's very easy and simple. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

  • Locate the zip file on your device and right-click on it.

  • Select "Extract All" or "Unzip" from the menu.

  • Choose a destination folder where you want to save the extracted files.

  • Click on "Extract" or "OK" and wait for the process to finish.

  • Open the destination folder and enjoy the music!

Note: If you don't have a program that can unzip files, you can download one for free from the internet. Some of the popular ones are WinZip, 7-Zip, and PeaZip.

How to support Cliff Martinez and his music?

If you love Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip and want to support him and his music, there are several ways that you can do that. Here are some of them:

  • Buy his albums and merchandise from his official website or online stores.

  • Stream his music on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and SoundCloud.

  • Follow him on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

  • Share his music with your friends and family.

  • Leave positive reviews and ratings on his music on platforms like Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, and IMDb.


Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip is a masterpiece of film music that you should not miss. It is a perfect companion to the film, and a great listening experience on its own. It features a mix of electronic and orchestral elements, with influences from Thai music and culture. It creates a hypnotic and haunting atmosphere that draws you into the world of the characters.

In this article, we have shown you why Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip is so good, how to download it for free, what are the benefits of listening to it, what are some other works by Cliff Martinez that you should check out, how to unzip it, and how to support him and his music. We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article, and that you have learned something new.

Now, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and download Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip and enjoy the music!

FAQs about Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip

You might have some questions about Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip that we have not answered in this article. Here are some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) that you might have, and our answers to them:

Q: Is Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip legal to download?

A: Yes, it is legal to download Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip from our website. We have obtained the permission from the composer and the publisher to share this soundtrack with our readers for free. However, you should not distribute or sell this soundtrack without their consent.

Q: Is Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip safe to download?

A: Yes, it is safe to download Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip from our website. We have scanned the zip file with antivirus software and found no viruses or malware. However, you should always be careful when downloading files from the internet and use a trusted antivirus program to protect your device.

Q: Is Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip compatible with my device?

A: Yes, it is compatible with most devices that support zip files. You can unzip the file and play the music files on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or any other device that can play mp3 files. However, you might need a program that can unzip files if your device does not have one built-in.

Reviews of Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip

Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip has received many positive reviews from critics and fans alike. Here are some of the reviews that you can read to get a better idea of what people think about this soundtrack:

"Cliff Martinez's score for Only God Forgives is a stunning piece of work that elevates the film to a whole new level. It is a mesmerizing and haunting soundtrack that captures the essence of the film and its characters. It is one of the best film scores of the decade, and a must-listen for any film music lover." - Film Music Magazine

"Only God Forgives is a film that divides audiences, but there is no denying that its soundtrack is a masterpiece. Cliff Martinez has created a score that is both beautiful and brutal, blending electronic and orchestral elements with Thai influences. It is a soundtrack that stays with you long after the film ends, and one that deserves to be heard by everyone." - Soundtrack Geek

"Cliff Martinez has done it again. His score for Only God Forgives is a brilliant and unique work of art that perfectly complements the film's style and mood. It is a soundtrack that transports you to a different world, where violence and beauty coexist. It is a soundtrack that you will not forget anytime soon, and one that you will want to listen to over and over again." - Movie Music UK


Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip is a masterpiece of film music that you should not miss. It is a perfect companion to the film, and a great listening experience on its own. It features a mix of electronic and orchestral elements, with influences from Thai music and culture. It creates a hypnotic and haunting atmosphere that draws you into the world of the characters.

In this article, we have shown you why Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip is so good, how to download it for free, what are the benefits of listening to it, what are some other works by Cliff Martinez that you should check out, how to unzip it, how to support him and his music, and some FAQs and reviews about it. We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article, and that you have learned something new.

Now, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and download Cliff Martinez's Only God Forgives OST (2013) .zip and enjoy the music! d282676c82


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